

The digital home of Diego F. Maya, a visionary social entrepreneur dedicated to empowering the Latino community through multimedia, culture, and community initiatives. Here, you'll discover the heart and soul behind a series of impactful projects aimed at informing, inspiring, educating, and empowering Latinos across the United States and beyond.

Engaging multimedia produced by Diego

Build community while providing essential services

Empowering girls survivors of sex trafficking

Foster innercities health and wellbeing

Diego F. Maya’s Community Forums: Empowering Latinos, Igniting Change

Bridging languages, empowering communities: Simultaneous Interpretations

Unveiling Latino excellence: The Latino Spirit inspires pride and unity

Experience the pulse of Latino culture in NJ: NJ en Vivo

Roll out the red carpet for Latino excellence: New Jersey’s premier gala event.

Bringing joy, one toy at a time: A Toy for Smiles.

Empowering Latinos in tech: Hablamos Tecnología fosters innovation and collaboration

Empowering Latinos: The Latino Index connects communities with resources.

Empowering Latinos through informed media: NJ Latino Public Media

Diego's Journey

Diego F. Maya's journey towards becoming a social entrepreneur and champion for the Latino community is deeply rooted in his diverse life experiences. From his upbringing among indigenous tribes in Colombia to his encounters with diverse cultures in Texas, Georgia, New Jersey, Colombia, and Germany, Diego's path has been shaped by a profound appreciation for cultural diversity and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Inspired by his mother's acts of kindness and his Aunt Teresita's selflessness, Diego embarked on a mission to uplift others and create positive change. His background in Computer Information Systems and Business, combined with his street smarts and empathy, uniquely position him to navigate the complexities of social entrepreneurship and community empowerment.

Projects and Initiatives

Diego's current portfolio includes two companies a diverse range of projects and initiatives, each aimed at addressing specific needs within the Latino community and beyond:

  • Latino Spirit Media: A company dedicated to producing professional multimedia content that informs, inspires, and empowers Latinos.
  • Simultaneous Broadcasting Interpretations: Contracts executed to provide interpretation services for municipalities and educational institutions.
  • United States Latino Affairs Initiatives: A nonprofit organization focused on processing energy assistance applications for Passaic County residents.
  • Hope for Girls: An initiative providing support and resources to girls affected by sex trafficking and abuse, including educational opportunities and vocational training.
  • Food on Tables Program: A collaborative effort to distribute food to underserved communities in inner cities.
  • Community Forums: Engaging dialogues with local officials to address issues impacting the Latino community.
  • The Latino Spirit: A platform showcasing the diverse talents and contributions of Latinos, challenging stereotypes, and promoting positive narratives. 5 of 15
  • NJ en Vivo: A Facebook page broadcasting live videos published by The Latino Spirit, fostering community engagement and connection.
  • New Jersey Latino Red Carpet: An annual event celebrating Latino achievements and contributions, fostering community pride and unity.
  • A Toy for Smiles: Distributing toys donated by Toys for Tots to children in need across South, Central, and Caribbean countries.
  • Hablamos Tecnologia: An international forum facilitating discussions on technology among Spanish-speaking professionals.
  • The Latino Index: A comprehensive digital hub listing resources and information relevant to the Latino community in New Jersey.
  • New Jersey Latino Public Media: Providing unbiased Spanish-language information to residents of New Jersey.
Empowering the Community
Diego’s projects are driven by a deep commitment to informing, inspiring, educating, and empowering the Latino community. Through multimedia content, educational initiatives, vocational training, community engagement, and philanthropic efforts, Diego strives to create opportunities, foster unity, and promote cultural pride and advancement.
Connect with Diego

Join Diego F. Maya on his journey to create positive change and build a brighter future for the Latino community and beyond. Explore the projects, initiatives, and stories shared on DiegoFMaya.com, and reach out to learn more about how you can get involved. Together, let's make a difference, one step at a time. Welcome to the transformative world of Diego F. Maya.


My journey towards becoming a social entrepreneur and dedicating my life to empowering the Latino community was deeply influenced by a series of impactful experiences. From living among indigenous tribes in Colombia to witnessing the prejudiced structure of Turkish communities in Germany, each encounter shaped my understanding of the world and the importance of making a positive impact.

However, it was witnessing my mother’s acts of kindness, particularly her giving toys to underprivileged children despite our own circumstances, that profoundly inspired me. Her selflessness taught me the transformative power of generosity and compassion, igniting within me a passion for uplifting others and creating positive change.

Additionally, my Aunt Teresita played a significant role in shaping my values and guiding my path. As a nun and headmistress of an orphanage, she dedicated her life to serving those in need, exemplifying a life of selflessness and religious devotion to peace, giving, and listening. Even after retiring as a nursing professor, she continued to live with me, embodying the principles of compassion and service in every aspect of her life. Her unwavering commitment to helping others, from family members to street beggars, left an indelible mark on my heart and reinforced my belief in the power of empathy and action.

Driven by these guiding principles and the example set by my mother and Aunt Teresita, I embarked on a mission to harness my skills in multimedia, project management, and cultural appreciation to inform, inspire, educate, and empower the Latino community. Through my work as an entrepreneur, I aim to build bridges, create opportunities, and foster unity within our diverse society.

In essence, my journey is fueled by the belief that every individual, regardless of background or circumstance, deserves the chance to thrive and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive world.

Diego F. Maya’s journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and a relentless commitment to making a positive impact in the world. His path began with counseling incarcerated youth and teaching math to adults in prison, demonstrating his dedication to helping others overcome challenges and rebuild their lives. Despite facing personal hardships, including divorce and abandonment, Diego persevered and pursued higher education, ultimately landing a position at a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical research company.

Diego’s entrepreneurial spirit then led him to establish his own marketing business focused on serving the Latino community, culminating in the successful launch of “Hablamos Español” and securing partnerships with major corporations. His foray into media production, including proposals for television series and documentaries, further expanded his skill set and network.

Diego’s experiences in Colombia, where he lived among indigenous youth and produced documentaries, provided invaluable insights and deepened his understanding of social issues. Collaborating on projects like “Saving 743” and working with Gillete Griffith on initiatives related to Albert Einstein’s legacy underscored his commitment to impactful storytelling and preservation of cultural heritage.

In addition to his work in Colombia, Diego traveled to Guatemala after a devastating volcano eruption to record and produce a video documenting the damages and personally providing donations to needy victims. He used his social media platform to educate and empower Latinos with positive media, leveraging the power of storytelling to inspire change and foster unity.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic presented new challenges and opportunities for Diego to serve his community. Recognizing the need for accurate information among non-English-speaking Latinos, he leveraged his broadcasting skills to provide simultaneous interpretation of Governor Phil Murphy’s daily briefings, reaching millions of viewers and ultimately securing contracts with school districts and municipal governments to provide bilingual broadcasting services.

Diego’s philanthropic efforts, including organizing food donations, distributing computers, donating COVID-19 protective supplies, and organizing toy drives, demonstrate his dedication to supporting those in need both locally and internationally. His establishment of a nonprofit office to assist residents with utility bills further exemplifies his commitment to addressing systemic challenges and improving lives.

Furthermore, Diego has had the privilege of working alongside former New Jersey governors, the first Puerto Rican female mayor in the United States, council members, and mayors, including the first gay mayor of the capital city of New Jersey and the mayor of the biggest city of New Jersey, Newark. These collaborations have enriched his understanding of governance and community leadership, further fueling his passion for creating positive change and fostering inclusive communities.

In all these efforts, Diego created TOP LATINOS, an initiative that effectively began to write the story of Latinos in New Jersey with judges from various parts of the world. The effort evaluates bios of Latinos to select the Top 1 of 50. Each Latino is given a platform and evaluated to decide who is the top Latino. This initiative serves as a powerful way to document the immigrant plight and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Latinos in the community.

Overall, Diego’s journey is marked by his unwavering dedication to empowering communities, fostering unity, and creating positive change. His unique blend of skills, experience, and compassion sets him apart in the field of social entrepreneurship, and his impact is felt far and wide. As he continues on his journey, his vision for the future is one of continued growth, innovation, and meaningful impact, driven by his passion for service and commitment to uplifting others.

The motivation behind starting these initiatives stems from a deep-rooted commitment to making a positive impact on the Latino community, driven by my personal experiences and the influential figures in my life. Growing up amidst diverse cultures and witnessing the struggles of marginalized communities, particularly within the Latino population, instilled in me a strong sense of empathy and a desire to effect change.

My journey, from living among indigenous tribes in Colombia to working with underprivileged youth and victims of sex trafficking, exposed me to the harsh realities faced by many in our society. These experiences ignited a passion within me to address systemic injustices and disparities, particularly those impacting Latinos.

Inspired by the acts of kindness demonstrated by my mother and Aunt Teresita, who dedicated their lives to helping others, I felt compelled to take action and create initiatives that would uplift and empower those in need. From providing energy assistance to Latino families through United States Latino Affairs Initiatives to supporting girls affected by sex trafficking through Hope for Girls, each project is driven by a commitment to serve and improve the lives of others.

Furthermore, witnessing the lack of representation and opportunities for Latinos in mainstream media and society fueled my determination to create platforms like Latino Spirit Media and NJ en Vivo, where our community’s voices and stories could be celebrated and amplified.

Overall, my motivation to start these initiatives lies in a deep-seated belief in the inherent worth and potential of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstance. Through these projects, I strive to create a more inclusive, equitable, and empowered future for the Latino community and beyond. I am deeply committed to making a meaningful impact in the Latino community, and this passion has driven me to initiate and lead various projects and initiatives aimed at addressing key issues and fostering empowerment.

Here are some of the projects I am involved in:

  • Latino Spirit Media: Through this company, we produce professional multimedia content that celebrates the diversity and richness of Latino culture. With two full-time employees and five consultants, we strive to amplify Latino voices and narratives, showcasing our community’s talents and contributions.
  • United States Latino Affairs Initiatives: As the founder of this nonprofit organization, I am dedicated to serving the needs of the Latino community, particularly in Passaic County. With four full-time employees, our primary focus is processing applications for energy assistance, providing vital support to individuals and families in need.
  • Hope for Girls: This initiative aims to support and empower girls aged 8 to 18 who have been victims of sex trafficking and abuse. Starting with donating school supplies, we have evolved to building a sewing shop where girls can learn a trade and develop business skills, offering them opportunities for a brighter future.
  • Food on Tables Program: Through collaboration with other business owners, we distribute food to inner cities, addressing food insecurity and providing support to underserved communities.
  • Community Forums: These forums serve as platforms for dialogue and collaboration between local government officials and members of the Latino community. By discussing city issues together, we advocate for the needs of our community and work towards solutions.
  • Simultaneous Broadcasting Interpretations: Through contracts executed in municipalities, we provide interpretation services for mayors and boards of education, effectively reaching the Latino community and ensuring their voices are heard.
  • The Latino Spirit: This project aims to challenge stereotypes and showcase the multifaceted talents and contributions of Latinos through positive content and information.
  • NJ en Vivo: A Facebook page that broadcasts live videos published by The Latino Spirit, engaging with the community in real-time.
  • New Jersey Latino Red Carpet: A statewide event where Latinos in New Jersey walk their own red carpet, celebrating their achievements and contributions.
  • A Toy for Smiles: Toys donated by the Toys for Tots Marine effort are distributed to children in South, Central, and Caribbean countries, bringing joy and happiness to those in need.
  • Hablamos Tecnología: An international forum in New York where Latin American countries send their brightest minds to discuss technologies with their Spanish-speaking counterparts in the United States.
  • The Latino Index: A comprehensive digital information hub listing state resources, Latino-centric nonprofits, and Latino elected officials in New Jersey.
  • New Jersey Latino Public Media: This initiative aims to provide unbiased information to the Spanish-speaking community, ensuring they have access to accurate news and resources.

Each of these initiatives is motivated by a desire to empower and uplift the Latino community, address systemic inequalities, and create opportunities for growth and prosperity. Together, we are working towards building a more inclusive and equitable society where all individuals have the chance to thrive and succeed.

The motivation behind starting these initiatives stems from a deep-rooted commitment to making a positive impact on the Latino community, driven by my personal experiences and the influential figures in my life. Growing up amidst diverse cultures and witnessing the struggles of marginalized communities, particularly within the Latino population, instilled in me a strong sense of empathy and a desire to effect change.

My journey, from living among indigenous tribes in Colombia to working with underprivileged youth and victims of sex trafficking, exposed me to the harsh realities faced by many in our society. These experiences ignited a passion within me to address systemic injustices and disparities, particularly those impacting Latinos.

Inspired by the acts of kindness demonstrated by my mother and Aunt Teresita, who dedicated their lives to helping others, I felt compelled to take action and create initiatives that would uplift and empower those in need. From providing energy assistance to Latino families through United States Latino Affairs Initiatives to supporting girls affected by sex trafficking through Hope for Girls, each project is driven by a commitment to serve and improve the lives of others.

Furthermore, witnessing the lack of representation and opportunities for Latinos in mainstream media and society fueled my determination to create platforms like Latino Spirit Media and NJ en Vivo, where our community’s voices and stories could be celebrated and amplified.

Overall, my motivation to start these initiatives lies in a deep-seated belief in the inherent worth and potential of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstance. Through these projects, I strive to create a more inclusive, equitable, and empowered future for the Latino community and beyond. I am deeply committed to making a meaningful impact in the Latino community, and this passion has driven me to initiate and lead various projects and initiatives aimed at addressing key issues and fostering empowerment.

Here are some of the projects I am involved in:

  • Latino Spirit Media: Through this company, we produce professional multimedia content that celebrates the diversity and richness of Latino culture. With two full-time employees and five consultants, we strive to amplify Latino voices and narratives, showcasing our community’s talents and contributions.
  • United States Latino Affairs Initiatives: As the founder of this nonprofit organization, I am dedicated to serving the needs of the Latino community, particularly in Passaic County. With four full-time employees, our primary focus is processing applications for energy assistance, providing vital support to individuals and families in need.
  • Hope for Girls: This initiative aims to support and empower girls aged 8 to 18 who have been victims of sex trafficking and abuse. Starting with donating school supplies, we have evolved to building a sewing shop where girls can learn a trade and develop business skills, offering them opportunities for a brighter future.
  • Food on Tables Program: Through collaboration with other business owners, we distribute food to inner cities, addressing food insecurity and providing support to underserved communities.
  • Community Forums: These forums serve as platforms for dialogue and collaboration between local government officials and members of the Latino community. By discussing city issues together, we advocate for the needs of our community and work towards solutions.
  • Simultaneous Broadcasting Interpretations: Through contracts executed in municipalities, we provide interpretation services for mayors and boards of education, effectively reaching the Latino community and ensuring their voices are heard.
  • The Latino Spirit: This project aims to challenge stereotypes and showcase the multifaceted talents and contributions of Latinos through positive content and information.
  • NJ en Vivo: A Facebook page that broadcasts live videos published by The Latino Spirit, engaging with the community in real-time.
  • New Jersey Latino Red Carpet: A statewide event where Latinos in New Jersey walk their own red carpet, celebrating their achievements and contributions.
  • A Toy for Smiles: Toys donated by the Toys for Tots Marine effort are distributed to children in South, Central, and Caribbean countries, bringing joy and happiness to those in need.
  • Hablamos Tecnología: An international forum in New York where Latin American countries send their brightest minds to discuss technologies with their Spanish-speaking counterparts in the United States.
  • The Latino Index: A comprehensive digital information hub listing state resources, Latino-centric nonprofits, and Latino elected officials in New Jersey.
  • New Jersey Latino Public Media: This initiative aims to provide unbiased information to the Spanish-speaking community, ensuring they have access to accurate news and resources.

Each of these initiatives is motivated by a desire to empower and uplift the Latino community, address systemic inequalities, and create opportunities for growth and prosperity. Together, we are working towards building a more inclusive and equitable society where all individuals have the chance to thrive and succeed.

My unique blend of skills and expertise contributes significantly to the success of my projects. With a background in Computer Information Systems and a Business degree from Rider University, I bring a strong foundation in technology and business management to the table. This allows me to effectively navigate the digital landscape and implement innovative solutions to drive success.

Moreover, my diverse life experiences, including living in Texas, Georgia, New Jersey, Colombia, and Germany, have exposed me to a wide range of Latino cultures and perspectives. This firsthand knowledge allows me to connect with and understand the needs of diverse communities, from the poorest individuals to millionaires. My ability to empathize and relate to people from all walks of life enables me to tailor my projects to address their specific needs and aspirations.

One of my most valuable skills is my capacity to spread love, blessings, and positive energy to everyone I encounter. This genuine care and compassion create a welcoming and inclusive environment where people feel valued and empowered to participate in my projects. By fostering a culture of love and support, I inspire collaboration, creativity, and mutual respect among team members and community members alike.

Overall, my unique skills and expertise, coupled with my unwavering commitment to serving others, enable me to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those I reach through my projects. By harnessing technology, business acumen, cultural understanding, and a genuine desire to uplift others, I strive to create positive change and empower individuals and communities to thrive.

What sets my approach apart in the field of social entrepreneurship and community empowerment is deeply rooted in my personal journey and the diverse experiences that have shaped my perspective. Growing up without parents and living among various individuals from different walks of life instilled in me a profound understanding of human nature and empathy for others’ perspectives.

Unlike many, my approach is not solely based on theoretical knowledge or academic studies but is deeply influenced by real-life interactions and experiences. From witnessing the struggles of individuals battling addiction to shaking hands with governors, I’ve gained insights into the spectrum of human experiences and the complex challenges people face.

My ability to empathize with individuals from all backgrounds allows me to connect with them on a deeper level and understand their unique needs and aspirations. This empathy serves as the foundation of my initiatives, driving me to take action and create positive change in the community.

Moreover, my belief in the inherent potential of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, drives me to empower others to realize their dreams and aspirations. I strive to create opportunities for personal and collective growth, leveraging my experiences and resources to uplift those around me.

In essence, my approach is characterized by authenticity, empathy, and a deep-seated commitment to creating a better world for all. By drawing upon my diverse life experiences and understanding of human nature, I seek to make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals and communities, one initiative at a time.

Reaching 1.7 million people through Facebook broadcasts, providing crucial information from Governor Phil Murphy’s COVID-19 briefings in Spanish to those who had no access otherwise.

Connecting countless parents from the Camden and Vineland School districts with important decision-makers through simultaneous interpretations, ensuring they can understand and engage in their child’s education.

Overcoming personal challenges and inequities due to my background and nationality, navigating a path to success in a country that may alienate individuals like myself.

Being published in a prestigious success journal in England, showcasing my contributions and accomplishments in the field of social entrepreneurship.

Receiving heartfelt thanks, praise, and blessings from individuals whom I’ve helped, often without seeking recognition or acknowledgment from others.

Rising above life’s obstacles, including early struggles and bad decisions, to achieve personal and professional success while growing up without parental guidance.

Pioneering the simultaneous interpretation of a capital city in the United States through full production broadcasts, setting a new standard for accessibility and inclusivity in public discourse.

Making a tangible difference in the lives of thousands of families through almost 350,000lbs in food donations, providing essential support and nourishment to those in need.

Helping individuals afford their utility bills through the United States Latino Affairs Initiatives, alleviating financial burdens and promoting economic stability within the community.

These achievements reflect my commitment to making a positive impact, uplifting others, and creating meaningful change in the world. Despite facing challenges, I remain optimistic and driven by a desire to contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities, one initiative at a time.

I envision a future where my work leaves a lasting and sustainable legacy, empowering the Latino community and beyond. This includes:

  • Establishing a cultural hub for Latinos in the capital of New Jersey, providing a space for education, celebration, and community building.
  • Creating a comprehensive and well-documented history of Latino progress in New Jersey, highlighting the contributions and achievements of individuals and communities.
  • Continuing to expand and develop digital publications that serve as valuable resources for thousands of people, providing information, inspiration, and support.
  • Sustaining the Top Latino Effort, which recognizes and celebrates success and philanthropy within the Latino community, showcasing how these endeavors can positively impact society.
  • Launching additional initiatives that foster unity, collaboration, and empowerment among diverse communities, both locally and globally.

Through these efforts, I aim to foster a sense of pride, resilience, and unity within the Latino community while promoting understanding, respect, and cooperation among all individuals and groups. Ultimately, my goal is to contribute to a more inclusive, equitable, and harmonious society for generations to come.

My passion for preserving Latino culture, heritage, and traditions is deeply rooted in my own personal journey. As a child without parents and lacking clear guidance, I understand the challenges and struggles that many face when trying to navigate life’s complexities. Influenced by media and societal pressures, I made choices that led me down the wrong paths.

This experience drives my commitment to harnessing the power of media to positively impact individuals and communities. I aim to provide a beacon of hope and inspiration to those who may be facing similar challenges, offering them a pathway towards a brighter future.

By preserving Latino culture, heritage, and traditions through my projects, I strive to instill a sense of pride, identity, and belonging within the Latino community. Through multimedia content, educational programs, and community initiatives, I seek to empower individuals to embrace their cultural roots, celebrate their heritage, and chart their own paths to success.

My own journey serves as a reminder that with the right support and guidance, anyone can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Through my work, I hope to be that guiding light for others, helping them realize their full potential and contributing to the collective strength and resilience of the Latino community.

To all visitors eager to learn more about me and my work, I extend a warm invitation to connect and explore the possibilities of creating positive change together. My journey is driven by a passion for helping others and making a difference in the world, and I believe that each of us has the power to contribute to a brighter future.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about my projects, collaborating on initiatives, or simply sharing ideas and insights, I encourage you to reach out. Let’s embark on a journey of collaboration, compassion, and community building. Together, we can turn our collective vision into reality and create a world where helping each other is not only a priority but also a source of inner peace and fulfillment.

I look forward to connecting with you and exploring how we can make a meaningful impact together. Let’s make a difference, one step at a time!

Contact Diego F. Maya:
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